Spring Concert Series
The Music Ministry of Farragut Presbyterian Church is proud to present our annual Spring Concert Series each spring in our sanctuary and is offered to our congregation and community at no cost. We hope many of you will invite your friends and neighbors to attend this event and experience the friendliness of Farragut Presbyterian Church!

On Sunday, April 7th, Dr. Linda Stutzenberger will delight us with the beautiful sounds of the harp.
Sunday, May 5th – 6pm in the sanctuary
and will feature:
eVOLution, VOLume, and UT Singers Acappella
This concert features three groups from the University of Tennessee: reVOLution (all female), VOLume (all male), and UT Singers (co-ed).

Collegiate contemporary a cappella ensembles are student-run and directed singing groups that perform entirely without instruments. Such groups can be found at many colleges and universities in the United States, and increasingly worldwide. The Rensselyrics of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (formerly known as the RPI Glee Club), established in 1873 is perhaps the oldest known collegiate a cappella group. However, the longest continuously singing group is probably The Whiffenpoofs of Yale University, which was formed in 1909 and once included Cole Porter as a member. The first all women’s ensemble, the Smiffenpoofs, was founded in 1936 at Smith College.
College a cappella has grown tremendously since 1980. This growth was fueled in part by a style change of using voices to emulate modern rock instruments and marked a shift away from the more traditional sounds of the jazz or classical ensembles and glee clubs to contemporary a cappella, with groups focusing on modern pop music, complete with complex textures and a driving beat.
Collegiate a cappella spans multiple genres and styles. Music style and individual group preference mandate a great variety in both how groups arrange and perform the music. Collegiate groups usually perform with 8-16 members and are generally self-sustaining. These groups often benefit from the talent of non-music majors that have significant experience with music and/or choral singing. Participation in such groups provides both social interaction and creative opportunities for students pursuing other fields of study.
reVOLution was formed in 2010 and specializes in their signature brand of sassy stylings of contemporary favorites.

VOLume was formed in 2009 and has brought much energy and excitement to the choral program with their unique blend of a cappella stylizing of popular music.