Worship at Farragut Presbyterian Church

We gather for traditional Sunday worship to hear God’s word proclaimed and be inspired to respond in faithfulness and gratitude. Our worship reflects a “reformed and reforming” tradition, in part because our congregation includes many members uniting from other faith backgrounds and diverse Protestant traditions. Our services blend formal and informal elements with a long tradition of strong, solid theological preaching. Music in worship is a distinctive mark of our church. The Chancel Choir is integral to worship. In addition, our FPC Ringers Handbell Choir and many fine instrumentalists contribute to the rich fabric of our worship experience.
We currently offer three ways to worship with us on Sunday mornings: a casual service, our traditional service, and live-streamed versions of both services posted online.
Our casual worship service at 9:00 a.m. is outdoors in our church parking lot in the warmer months and has a relaxed atmosphere with keyboard and guitars. If the weather is questionable, this service will move indoors to our sanctuary. Bring your coffee and a lawn chair and join us!

Our traditional worship service is at 11:00 a.m. in the sanctuary and features our chancel choir, handbells, traditional organ music and other talented guest musicians.

Whichever service you choose, come worship with us!